Description - This form applies to Government Entities requesting information on Government Property or requesting Government Property by any title.
It also applies to Government Entities who are requested to notify the Lands Authority of the submittal of a Development Application in terms of Article 71(5) of Chapter 552 of the Laws of Malta
Government Entities are to use Form GOV1 instead of Forms: PLA1, GLA3, GLA21 and GLA23 which have now been superseded by this form.
Applies to - All ministries, departments, authorities, corporations, companies, agencies or any other entities that operate under the public administration (except Regional and Local Councils) .
Important Note: Regional and Local Councils applying for any of the above are to use the form LC1
Description - Modification to, or Removal of, a Condition Imposed in a Contract of Property Transferred by the Government, the Lands Authority or Ecclesiastical Entities through a Sale or Emphyteusis Regulations.
Applies to - Any person who has a title of purchase by virtue of a public deed, or emphyteusis on property that would have been passed to the applicant by the Government of Malta or the Authority, or by an ecclesiastical entity.
Description - This form applies to the Housing Authority requesting the consent of the Lands Authority to apply for the transfer of ownership or administration rights of Government Property.
Applies to - The Housing Authority requesting the consent of the Lands Authority to apply for the transfer of ownership or administration rights of Government Property.
Description - This form applies to the Housing Authority requesting the transfer of ownership or administration rights of Government Property.
Applies to - The Housing Authority requesting the transfer of ownership or administration rights of Government Property.
Description - This form is specifically intended for authorised societies submitting their application by not later than 31st May of every year, to obtain the consent of the Lands Authority to discharge any fireworks on any Government-owned agricultural land in relation to town or village feasts subject to the issuing of permits by the Commissioner of Police and all the necessary licences and permits in accordance with the Explosives Ordinance.
Applies to - The Maltese Pyrotechnic Association and /or its’ successors, and includes also any other firework societies in relation to the town and village feasts which are not members of the Maltese Pyrotechnic Association and who hold all the necessary licences and permits in accordance with the Explosives Ordinance.
Description - This form applies to the Ministry of Education & Sports & SportMalta requesting for transfer of rights and obligations / disposal of Government Property.
Applies to - The Ministry of Education & Sports & SportMalta requesting for transfer of rights and obligations / disposal of Government Property.
Description - The purpose of this form is to update contact details of the current recognised persons.
Applies to - Any person or organisation that is recognised by the Authority.
Description - The purpose of Form LC1 is to expedite the application process for Regional and Local Councils requesting
A) Information on Government Property (including availability and Administration of Government Property)
B) Request for the Administration of Government Immovable Property (Devolution)
C) Notification to Lands Authority prior the submittal of a Development Application
Local Councils are to use Form LC1 instead of Form GOV1
Applies to - Regional and Local Councils
Description - An application to request recognition on a Government-Owned Agricultural Land by title of an agricultural lease in terms of Subsidiary Legislation 573.06.
Applies to - Applicants applying for the hereunder types of requests pertaining to Government Owned Agricultural Land:
(A) Transfer and assignment of rights between Family Members.
(B) Land Returned to the Authority.
(C) Transfer and Assignment of rights or parts thereof to a third party full time or part time farmer (full-time or part-time) – Non Family Members.
(D) Transfer and Assignment of rights after death of the lessee – Family Members.
(E) Transfer and Assignment of rights after death of the lessee – Non-Family Members.
(F) Division of Agricultural Land.
(G) Request by a Certified Student in Agricultural Studies.
Description - An application to acquire Government-Owned agricultural land by title of temporary emphyteusis for a period not exceeding 65 years which is to be used for the purpose of quarrying and extraction of minerals or for industrial and commercial development.
Applies to - Any licensed tenant interested in acquiring a Government-Owned agricultural land for quarrying and extraction of minerals or for industrial and commercial development.
Form AGRIRES1 - Scheme for ordinary residences built on Government Land granted on Agricultural Lease
Description - Scheme for Regularisation and Transfer of Title of Ordinary Residences built on Government Land granted on Agricultural Lease as per Legal Notice No. 94 of 2022
Applies to -
- Any person who is occupying a premises built on Government land and which has been granted by agricultural lease and which premises is being used as the ordinary residence of the occupant, saving other provisions in these regulations, may request the Authority to purchase the part of the premises occupied by him, under the conditions laid down in these regulations.
- The applicant shall provide all documentation requested of him by the Authority in order to prove that:
- the premises occupied is currently utilised as the ordinary residence of the applicant;
- the premises has all the necessary development permits from the competent authorities: Provided that if the premises was built before 1968, the applicant must submit a declaration provided by the Planning Authority stating that said premises appear on the 1968 survey sheets; and
- the premises is shown as built premises in the 2018 aerial photos.
Description - Scheme for Regularisation and Transfer of Title of Ordinary Residences built on Government Land granted on Temporary Emphyteusis for Agricultural Purposes as per Legal Notice No. 95 of 2022
Applies to -
- Any person who is occupying a premises built on Government land and which has been granted by temporary emphyteusis for agricultural purposes and which premises is being used as the ordinary residence of the occupant, saving other provisions in these regulations, may request the Authority to purchase the part of the premises occupied by him, under the conditions laid down in these regulations.
- The applicant shall provide all documentation requested of him by the Authority in order to prove that:
- the premises occupied is currently utilised as the ordinary residence of the applicant;
- the premises has all the necessary development permits from the competent authorities: Provided that if the premises was built before 1968, the applicant must submit a declaration provided by the Planning Authority stating that said premises appear on the 1968 survey sheets; and
- the premises is shown as built premises in the 2018 aerial photos.
Description - Application for the consent of the Lands Authority to submitting a Development Planning Permit application with the Planning Authority.
Applies to - Any private person or private organisation that has, or intends to, submit a Development Permit Application with the Planning Authority.
Important Notes:
- Applications from applicants who do not have a valid legal title on the Property or Land shall NOT be considered.
- Ministries, departments, authorities, corporations, companies, agencies, local councils or any other entities that operate under the public administration are to use and submit Form GOV1 instead of this Form.
Description - Application for a Clearance in Principle (no objection) for submitting Development Planning Permit applications involving changes to official alignments.
Applies to - Any person or organisation that has, or intends to, submit a permit application which involves changes to road and building alignments and changes in zoning with the Planning Authority.
Description - An application to acquire a Government property by means of issuing a Tender or through an Auction.
Applies to - Any person or organisation that is interested in requesting that the Government issues a public call for tenders for a vacant Government land/property.
Description - An application to include an amendment to the conditions of an original lease or emphyteusis or sub-emphyteusis deed when acquiring a Government property for a public purpose. This needs to be approved through a Parliamentary Resolution.
Applies to - Any person or organisation that is interested in requesting land/property from the Government through a resolution of the House of Representatives.
Description - An application to acquire a Government property on temporary emphyteusis, for the purpose of a significant Industrial Project, or for Humanitarian, Philanthropic, Cultural and/or Social Reasons, or for a period of 50 years to licenced/registered livestock farmers.
Applies to -
- Any person interested in acquiring a Government land/property for residential purposes, offered by means of a public notice.
- Any person or organisation interested in acquiring a Government land/property for an industrial project. The applicant must satisfy the Lands Authority of the benefit of the project to Malta’s economy and specify the number of jobs which the project will create.
- Any licensed and/or registered livestock farmer, in which case the Government land/property would be granted for a 50-year period.
- Any person or organisation requesting a Government land/property to be used for humanitarian, philanthropic, cultural or social reasons
Description - An application to lease a non-commercial Government property by means of a Tender, or a Government property for the purpose of a significant Industrial Project, or Rural Land offered on agricultural lease through a public notice issued by the Lands Authority (NO PUBLIC NOTICE IS CURRENTLY ISSUED), or a Government property to a person who has had to relinquish his property for a public purpose or because of its dangerous state, or a Lotto Office if land is already allocated as a Lotto Office, or a Government building for commercial use whose licence is issued under a special law, or land or a part of a larger land on a new lease with the same conditions but with an updated rent amount, or land for humanitarian, philanthropic, cultural or social reasons.
Applies to - Any person or organisation interested in leasing a non-commercial Government property, a Government property for the purpose of a significant Industrial Project, Rural Land being offered on agricultural lease through a specific Scheme (SCHEME IS CURRENTLY CLOSED), a Government property after the applicant’s property has had to be relinquished for a public purpose or because of its dangerous state, an existing Lotto Office, a Government building for commercial use under a special law licence, land on a new lease with the same conditions but with an amended rent amount, or a Government land/property for humanitarian, philanthropic, cultural or social reasons.
Description - An application to renew a Commercial Lease signed before 25 April 2017.
Applies to - The lease renewal may be renewed up to 01 June 2028. If the Lands Authority decides to dispose of the property after 01 June 2028, the lessee shall be granted the right of first refusal.
Description - An application to create servitudes on a Government land when required for the proper use of any other property. (Not for Encroachments).
Applies to - Any person or organisation that needs to create servitudes, or similar, on government land in order to make proper use of its own land/property.
Description - An application to be granted an Encroachment Permit on Government land / property.
Applies to - Any person or organisation interested in being granted Government land / property by Encroachment. The form applies to both instances where (i) a person / organisation requires consent (no objection in principle), to submit a Development Planning Application with the Planning Authority, in Terms of Article 71(4) Of Chapter 552 Of the Laws of Malta; and (ii) a person / organisation to be granted an encroachment permit from the Lands Authority following the issue of the Planning Authority Permit.
Description - The purpose of this form is to enable Private applicants and Non-Governmental entities to request information on Government Property.
Applies to - Private applicants and Non-Governmental entities requesting information on Government Property.
Description - Application to Transfer a Commercial Lease by a Titleholder with a Goodwill Procedure.
Applies to - Any Government property commercial lease titleholder.
Description - Application to Transfer a Commercial Lease by a Titleholder to a Family Member owing to Retirement.
Applies to - Any individual holding a commercial lease on a Government property
Description - Application to purchase the garages, or the Directum Dominium of the land held on emphyteutical terms as per Legal Notice L.N. 165 dated 25th May 2018.
Applies to - Tenants of government-owned garages and emphyteutaes who were granted government-owned sites for the building of garages, in various Housing Estates around Malta and Gozo.
Description - Entities or entrepreneurs who have a commercial Emphyteutical concession with the Lands Authority that will expire after the 31st August 2025 are now able to apply for an extension of up to 65-years.
Applies to - Applicant interested in the Extension of Temporary Emphyteusis in a Contract for a Commercial Premises Transferred from the Government, the Lands Authority or Ecclesiastical Entities by Title of Emphyteusis Regulations, 2020 in terms of Legal Notice 369 of 2020
Description - This form is applicable in the cases where a person would like to purchase residual sites belonging to the government which sites form part of a larger development. A residual site is a site which is currently owned by the government and is adjacent to a site or building owned by the applicant and the site it is not larger than fifty square metres (50m2); and it forms part of the larger development by virtue of the official alignment or other constraints contained within a development plan.
Applies to - This form applies to persons who are owners of a larger development and would like to purchase the residual site belonging to the government. These sites are to be sold directly to the current owners of the larger site.
Description - This form is applicable in cases where there is an expired emphyteutical or sub-emphyteutical concession, or an emphyteutical or sub-emphyteutical concession expiring on 31st December 2030 or any earlier date, on land granted by the Government, or its predecessors in title.
Applies to - This form applies to persons who are recognised emphyteutae, or their lawful heirs. (For more details on eligibility, refer to our FAQs on these regulations, or send an email to our Customer Care on
Duration of new concession - The emphyteutical concession granted by the Authority in accordance to these regulations shall be of fifty (50) years, starting from the date of publication of the new emphyteutical concession.
Description - This form is intended to Grant of a Temporary Emphyteutical Concession to the Emphyteuta, Tenant or Operator of Government-Owned Commercial Property who are seeking to voluntarily apply to be granted a new emphyteutical concession.
Applies to -
All commercial properties that, as of the application submission date, are recognised under one of the below listed categories as specified in Legal Notice 74 of 2014 - Development Planning (Use Classes) Order, 2014, are eligible to participate in this scheme:
Category D – Commercial uses
Class 2B – Non Residential Institutions
Class 2C – Education
Class 3A – Guest Houses, Palazzini, Boutique Tourism Accomodation and Hostels
Class 3B – Hotels
Class 4A – Financial, Professional & Other Offices
Class 4B – Retail
Class 4C – Food and Drink Establishments where no cooking is allowed
Class 4D – Food and Drink Establishments where cooking is allowed
Class 5A –Light Industry
Class 6A – Storage and Distribution
The uses listed hereunder, being in accordance with regulation 4 of the Development Planning (Use Classes) Order shall also be considered as commercial properties in accordance with these regulations:
S.L. 552.15.
a) amusement arcade or centre.
b) dance or wedding hall.
c) discoteque or similar places of assembly.
d) taxi business, hire of motor vehicles, public service garage, sale or display of motor vehicle.
e) diving schools, and or acqua lung fillers.
f) food takeaways, including pastizzeria.
g) washing or cleaning of clothes or fabrics in coin or credit operated machines or on premises at which the goods to be cleaned are received direct from the visiting public.
h) bakery.
i) conference or public assembly centre.
j) supermarkets.
k) bingo halls, casino, gaming shops, betting shops (excluding lotto offices).
l) retail outlets selling fire arms
Description - This form applies to any person who acquired a property burdened with a ground-rent or subject to a lease imposed by the Government, the Authority or an Ecclesiastical entity and has to be recognised by the authority.
Applies to - Any person who acquired a property burdened with a ground-rent or subject to a lease imposed by the Government, the Authority or an Ecclesiastical entity and has to be recognised by the authority.
Description - The purpose of this form is to expedite the application process for Government Entities requesting for an expropriation process, possession & use, termination, subsoil rights, easements, releases, sale back and requests for an expropriation at the expense of third parties (for private owners).
Applies to - Government Entities who apply for an expropriation, possession and use, terminations, subsoil rights, easements, releases, sale back and request for expropriation at the expense of third parties (for private owners). Private individuals / entities who want to request an expropriation are to apply directly with Infrastructure Malta and not through this application.